Book Feedback
In the CoRe Network, we have a never-ending commitment to improve. YOU are invited to shape the future and contribute. This page is specifically designed to listen to your feedback related to improving the book Resurgence — Fueling the Nazarene CoRe Movement. Our feedback system is based on a simple, 3 step process. Step #1, we capture learning, Step #2, we catalogue learning and Step #3, we communicate learning.
In the Resurgence writing project, we are participating in draft-mode feedback. In this process, we do “print on demand” while still in “draft mode” with the book. We plan to distribute copies to leaders who have not yet read the book and from whom we deeply desire input. Using the flexibility of today’s modern printing options, we anticipate continued changes as more people read and offer their feedback. Draft mode digital printing allows for greater participation, on-going feedback and the opportunity for changes to be contributed by every reader.
Because we encourage cohorts and small groups to study the Resurgence book together, we have designed this page for them to submit suggested improvements to the Resurgence book, action guide, terms we use, website suggestions and more. The feedback system can also be used to offer an endorsement and encourage others to participate.
Thank you so much for your involvement in this Resurgence writing and small group project! We have great days ahead.